Bjarne Djt-bidit

Cast all your spells,
And there you have
That good old fashioned

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NAME:Bjarne Djt-bidit [Bee-yarn Djeet-bee-deet]
ALIASES:Tempest, Stormchaser
RACE:Rava Viera
GENDER:Male (He/They)
ALIGNMENT:Neutral Evil
SEXUALITY:Bisexual Polyamorous
CLASS:Red Mage

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[ Self Induglent ✦ Coy ✦ Intelligent ]

Coy and with a permanent smug smirk on his face, Bjarne fully knows the effect he has on people. Why even spend so much time and money on his looks if no one will appreciate it? Plus, everyone gives more sympathy to the pretty ones. Bjarne weaponizes his looks and his charms to carry out contracts and manipulate people into doing what he wants, and does everything in his power to convince people that hes just a bad boy with good looks.Get to know him better and you may just spot that heart of gold that he keeps locked away under layers of narcissism and grief. If you can, at least.

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Bjarne's mother left her tribe before he was born to be with his father, a Hrothgar apothecary, in a small settlement. While there she became interested in the healing capabilities of an astrologian after hearing about it from a merchant friend, who happened to have a small collection of related books that had managed to make their way out of Sharlayan and into his hands. From there she tried her best to piecemeal an education for herself in it, eventually managing to get her hands on a small, old astroglobe. Little Bjarne learned what he could along with her, curious about what his mother was doing. Between her and his father he gained a solid understanding of physical healing and a moderate understanding of aether and aetherical healing.This little family and their relatively peaceful life were interrupted by a Garlean contingent razing the settlement to the ground upon suspicion of harbored spies. Bjarne lost his mother and presumably his father, the latter's body having never been found. All the viera had left was a few of his mother's books and that old astroglobe.Bjarne was eventually "adopted" by a mercenary, who more or less raised him as his own in the mercenary trade. Bjarne learned the skills of a red mage from this parental figure, and eventually struck out on his own once old enough.Motivated by money and an itch to wander, Bjarne hides himself in layers of charm and the veneer of a self-centered casa nova, refusing to form close bonds with others as a form of protection for himself. Unfortunately he is no stranger to heartbreak, having his own trust betrayed many times over over the course of his mercenary work. Despite this, there is still a small kernel that refuses to remain buried; he still offers healing services (for a fee, of course), and despite himself hes found himself enjoying the continued company of some individuals.


✦ Will initially introduce himself as "Tempest", his mercenary alias.
✦ Often wears a mask to cover his mouth, to mask his teeth. Hes not overly self conscious of them, but its a precaution as sometimes they tend to put people off.
✦ Flirts with anyone and everyone, but will tone it down if requested or if he notices that its truly bothering someone.
✦ Speaks in what can most accurately be described as a shitty Brooklyn accent.

Tempest, Stormcaller, Lightningchaser

If you are also a mercenary, you may have run into Bjarne. Maybe you both worked together for a job or two - maybe you were impressed by his skill with lightning, maybe he was much too prideful in his abilities for your taste and you want to give him a piece of your mind. Maybe he even left you for dead at a critical moment, and you want to know why - or maybe get some revenge for doing so.

Kiss Your Innocence Goodnight

Were you perhaps part of the Garlean Empire? A conscript? A general? Perhaps a legatus? Maybe you remember a small trading village, led there by a little blue-haired viera child. Maybe you remember how your company razed the place on suspicion of them harboring spies, or whatever excuse there was to do so. Do you remember the fire? The bodies? Do you remember that little viera sobbing over the corpse of his mother killed in front of him? He does. It might be best to pray he doesnt recognize you.

Check back regularly! I may think of more hooks in the future!


✦ ROMAN NOSE! Nose bridge curves OUTWARD
✦ Plush lips
✦ Strong chin and jaw
✦ Sleepy bedroom eyes with a small pupil
✦ Short ears!!
✦ Strong and muscular, but is not cut. Has healthy fat to cover the muscle, abs are usually not seen unless they're flexed. Same is true for most of his muscle definition.
✦ Half Hrothgar, but has majority Viera traits from his mother.


✦ I am 26 and work two jobs, one of them being a freelance illustrator. Only 20+ characters/muns please!✦I enjoy darker themes, but I like variety! The only thing im not fond of are rps that are the equivalent of small talk - I would prefer there to be a plotline or goal of some sort, even if its simple! I just personally do not enjoy meaningless conversations and interactions.✦I am open to ERP only if it makes sense narrative and character wise! I must know and be comfortable with you/your character first before I would consider it though (outside of any venue work).✦No godmodding, metagaming, etc - the usual. I wont bite your head off if you make a mistake or slip up, but if its a constant/semi-constant thing I will likely drop any rp we have and consider all interactions with my character(s) non-canon.✦IC =/= OOC. While I do put some of myself into my character please keep in mind that they are their own (fictional) people and will hold their own ic opinions about events and characters.✦My main rp methods are in game and Discord! Discord is my primary way of roleplaying since I can write a reply anytime, anywhere. I also enjoy in game RP but since I work two jobs my in game time can be limited.✦Communication! If something happens that you are uncomfortable with please let me know! I want to work with you to make sure were both comfortable and enjoying ourselves.✦I thrive on hcs, and actually prefer hcs as a starter point for our characters (so that we dont have to do in-rp small talk). If we have characters that interact feel free to bust into my DMs with any fun new hcs you may have!✦Im open to doing roulettes/trials/raids/etc with people! Im not at savage content yet but ill be open to those once I get there~ Im even open to help you out if you just need those short tank queues lol. My current classes:
- Jayce: Tank (Gunbreaker), DPS (Machinist)
- Batukhan: DPS (Reaper), DPS (Dragoon)
- Bjarne: DPS (Red Mage), Healer (Astrologian - WIP)
- Cray: DPS (Dancer), Healer (Astrologian - WIP), DPS (Dragoon)